… at my house. No second ring needed, no sireee, certainly not. Today, that sweet thing dropped a box on my front porch that contained these:
Now wait just a second, you may be thinking, who are those for? You, little Ms. EatRantRun, are on a no running streak, non? Whose shoes are those? What exactly is going on?
First, everything seems better when you have new shoes. Especially new running shoes. Before you've run in them, the honeymoon is in full swing.
First, everything seems better when you have new shoes. Especially new running shoes. Before you've run in them, the honeymoon is in full swing.
Now let’s look at the handy little Newton Laws of Running Better that came with these beauties:
I have been a dedicated yogini, and I have been doing my stretches and I have been swimming, all with consistency and enthusiasm. But seriously.
I have this little, tiny, gaping hole in my soul that cries out for a little, tiny, bit of running.
So, let's focus on number 5 of Newton's laws:
So, let's focus on number 5 of Newton's laws:
See that ? One mile, people. It may as well say one measly mile. I plan to continue my yoga/swim/repeat routine and add in one measly mile (OMM) three times a week. I plan on walking/running this OMM, whilst I focus on Good Form.
I am convinced it will strengthen my ankles, soothe my soul, and give me hope for a better tomorrow. All that from one pair of shoes. Nice. Speaking of which, let's gaze at those bad boys on:
Why Newton's? I know many dedicated barfoot runners who swear by their Vibrams (Hi, Loren!). I don't try Vibrams because whenever I go barefoot for a day or run a little bit barefoot I have painful, throbbing, knees hours later. I have sat for over an hour with an ice pack on each knee to no avail, until I finally succumbed to the sweet relief of Vitamin A (A is for Advil, B is for Bitchy, which is how I feel when my knees are throbbing. C is for just Can't do it).
I can't pay money for something that I know causes me that much pain. It's not a pain I'm going to grow accustomed to, and yes, for goodness sake I tried running barefoot, on turf, on a regular basis, for a short distance. The result? ABC.
I can't pay money for something that I know causes me that much pain. It's not a pain I'm going to grow accustomed to, and yes, for goodness sake I tried running barefoot, on turf, on a regular basis, for a short distance. The result? ABC.
The Newton's offer some cushion and I think they are a good option for me. Allegedly, they'll help me transition to a midfoot strike with their Land-Lever-Lift philosophy. Here's how it supposed to work:
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NOT as sexay as my shoes. My shoes were unavailable for the photoshoot. |
I will be keeping you updated on how these work in Real Life.
In the spirit of keeping it real, let's give a shout out to the real Sir Issac Newton, maker of laws and those awesome fig cookies, a true Renaissance Man.
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I like his naturally curly hair. |
Newtons First Law of Motion (also known as the law of inertia). Yes, he made a law outta laying around on the couch all day.) :
I. Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.
II. The relationship between an object's mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force F is F = ma. Acceleration and force are vectors (as indicated by their symbols being displayed in slant bold font); in this law the direction of the force vector is the same as the direction of the acceleration vector.
Newtons Third Law of Motion (also known as the law we all know. What it means is that if you step off a boat and onto to a dock, you go forward; the boat goes backward).:
III. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Sweet blog post today, eh? A little bit of running, a little bit of science and whole lotta pictures.
Tell me, have given the minimalist fad, I mean trend, a try? Did you go all the way? Barefoot, I mean. Or did you try shoes? What were your experiences? How do you feel about Fig Newtons? I love them.
Tell me, have given the minimalist fad, I mean trend, a try? Did you go all the way? Barefoot, I mean. Or did you try shoes? What were your experiences? How do you feel about Fig Newtons? I love them.
I started trying barefoot running one year ago. I'd been working to transition to a forefoot strike for 8 months before that. I started really slowly, 1/4mi, then 1/2 mile, 1mi, 2mi, etc... until I got up to 4 miles once a week or so.
ReplyDeleteWhen I bought running shoes I started getting ones that had less cushioning and less heel:toe drop. The biggest change I made was buying a pair of Merrell Trail Glove shoes. I absolutely love them. They fit really snug without socks, have a roomy toe box and have the Vibram sole. They're like Vibram One Fingers I guess. I run about 50% of my miles in them now and after the initial shock (a week of intense calf pain) they don't bother me at all. I try to stick to moderate trails in them as too much running on pavement with a 4mm sole can hurt.
I bought a pair of VFF Bikilas recently but I find that they don't fit me nearly as well as the Trail Gloves. I think I'm going to return the VFFs and get another pair of Trail Gloves or wait for the New Balance Trail Minimus update due this summer.
I've been reading up about and following Newton shoes for a while now and even bought the minimal running book that the founder co-wrote. The price is a bit steep and I've heard about a 50-50 accounts of owners between love and hate for the shoes after running in them.
All that said, I'm kind of curious about the other side of the spectrum, the Mafate Hoka one-one shoes. They worked so well for Karl Meltzer that I'd love to try them.
Good luck in your Newtons, keep us updated. (love it that you're blogging now BTW)
Very pretty!!!
ReplyDeleteI admit I have not tried the minimalist approach - what I have has worked well and I don't want to mess with it!
Jason, thanks for the blogging encouragement. Ironically, it's not my calves that hurt from low to the ground shoes, it's my knees. I have no idea why they ache so much. I haven't tried the Newtons yet, but I'm feeling like next week I might venture forth. I think I'm nervous to find out that my calves still kill me when running and I'd rather not know...
ReplyDeleteMolly, you should not change a thing with your running. Stay the course.