Friday, April 29, 2011

Check it out , now, my funk soul brothers (and sisters too)

Here is a website I am really digging  right now:

You input your running pace and BAM it gives you a list of songs with the appropriate beats per minute (BPM).

Here's what I love about this site:
  • You can listen to each song right there and you can listen to your entire playlist if you want to get a feel for the flow while you do dishes.
  • You can add your own favorite song if it isn’t included, and they will figure out it’s BPM and add it to the site. How cool is that?
  • You can save your playlist.
  • You can browse other people’s playlists
  • You can put together a playlist that with a warm up, a tempo middle and a cool down.
  • And finally, they include a research paper as to why you may want to add songs at half or double your pace, and actual research is something near and dear to my cynical heart.
The Rockafella Skank: it'll give you wings....
They've even got Fatboy Slim, The Rockafeller Skank, perfect for a 9:48 mile.....

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